IMPORTANT - Filling in this form will take you straight through to the workshop downloads page. If you aren't intending to save the files immediately, do make sure you bookmark the downloads page in your browser.

How will you use my information?

We will only use your information for what you have consented for.

We will never share your information in a way that would allow you to be personally identified without your explicit consent. All personal data and information that you share will be held confidentially by EngineeringUK, in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.

To see more about how we use and store your data in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018, see our privacy policy at

Please contact us at [email protected] if you can't find your school below
Are you looking for resources to use at the end of summer 2024, or for the new academic year 24-25?
We offer a range of inspiring free STEM and engineering engagement opportunities for young people and want to be able to inform your school about this - please let us know below if you would like to be kept updated about these opportunities
I understand that registering will allow me access to Energy Quest resources, and that I will be contacted for feedback about the resources.
EngineeringUK will be also be conducting an optional, extended evaluation of Energy Quest. This will help us understand how the the resources provided are used by teachers and identify areas for improvement. Would you be willing to be contacted for the purpose of this extended evaluation?* You do not need to consent to the extended evaluation in order to download the resources.

*If you choose to participate in this evaluation, you may be invited to take part in:
a. Post workshop teacher interviews and/or
b. In-person observations of the workshop
Schools will be offered up to £200 compensation for their support in these extended evaluation processes. To facilitate this extended evaluation process, we will need to contact you using the contact details you've provided on this form. Your participation is voluntary, and you can opt-out at any time.